Hola amigos mi nombre es Eve soy Medium espiritual, Espiritista, Sansista y Mambo de la 21 Division y Mambo Asogwe del Vodou haitiano.
mi especialidad consiste en ayudar a todo aquel que este pasando por dificultad espiritual, brujería, maleficios, enviacion de todas clase.
Mala suerte, contrariedad espiritual, desarrollo espiritual cruzado o amarrado, enviacion de espíritus oscuros, maldicion, mal de ojo y amarres amorosos que le estén estancando la vida entre muchas cosas mas.
O tal vez solo desea hacerse una limpia para abrirse los caminos y quitarse las malas energías que usted haya recogido en el camino.
Tengo 30 años de experiencia consultando a través de las cartas españolas y trabajando con mis Guias espirituales y los Loases de la 21 Division. Trabajo con mis Guias espirituales y los de la persona para brindarle el mejor servicio posible y a la ves ayudarla/o a ayudarse a si mismo/a.
Através de la clarividencia puedo ver lo que le esta afectando en su vida fisica y espiritual y con la ayuda de baños, rompimientos y despojos puedo ayudar a abrirle los caminos por mas difícil que sean, Para mis guías no hay nada imposible. claramente al menos que sea la voluntad de Dios.
Espero muy pronto poder servirle y ayudarlo a poner en orden su vida espiritual. Visite aqui para ordenar una cita
Eve the Medium
Hello friends, my name is Eve, I am a born Medium, Spiritualist, Sansista and Mambo from the 21 Division and Mambo Asogwe in Haitian Voodoo.
My specialty consists of helping anyone who is going through spiritual difficulties, witchcraft, curses, Bad luck, spiritual setbacks, crossed or tied spiritual development, sending of dark spirits, curse, evil eye and love spells that are stagnating your life among many other things. If you are experiencing any of these spiritual attacks it is always advisable to contact a specialized spiritual healer like myself to find the help you need.
Or maybe you just want to do a cleanse to open your paths and get rid of the bad energies that you have picked up along the way.
I have 30 years of experience consulting through the Spanish Tarot cards and many other tools which I use to connect to the Spiritual world.
also working with my Spiritual Guides and the Loases of the 21 Division; I work with my Spiritual Guides and those of the person to provide them with the best possible service and at the same time help them to help themselves.
Through my gift of clairvoyance I can see what is affecting you in your physical and spiritual life and with the help of Herbal baths and personalized Spiritual cleanse I can help open the paths for you, no matter how difficult they may be. For God and my guides there is nothing impossible. clearly unless it is the will of God.
I hope very soon to be able to serve you and help you put your spiritual life in order.
Visit here to book your Reading
Visite nuestra pagina en español www.medium-espiritual.com
Con Dios Todo Sin Dios Nada!
Gracia la Misericordia
mi especialidad consiste en ayudar a todo aquel que este pasando por dificultad espiritual, brujería, maleficios, enviacion de todas clase.
Mala suerte, contrariedad espiritual, desarrollo espiritual cruzado o amarrado, enviacion de espíritus oscuros, maldicion, mal de ojo y amarres amorosos que le estén estancando la vida entre muchas cosas mas.
O tal vez solo desea hacerse una limpia para abrirse los caminos y quitarse las malas energías que usted haya recogido en el camino.
Tengo 30 años de experiencia consultando a través de las cartas españolas y trabajando con mis Guias espirituales y los Loases de la 21 Division. Trabajo con mis Guias espirituales y los de la persona para brindarle el mejor servicio posible y a la ves ayudarla/o a ayudarse a si mismo/a.
Através de la clarividencia puedo ver lo que le esta afectando en su vida fisica y espiritual y con la ayuda de baños, rompimientos y despojos puedo ayudar a abrirle los caminos por mas difícil que sean, Para mis guías no hay nada imposible. claramente al menos que sea la voluntad de Dios.
Espero muy pronto poder servirle y ayudarlo a poner en orden su vida espiritual. Visite aqui para ordenar una cita
Eve the Medium
Hello friends, my name is Eve, I am a born Medium, Spiritualist, Sansista and Mambo from the 21 Division and Mambo Asogwe in Haitian Voodoo.
My specialty consists of helping anyone who is going through spiritual difficulties, witchcraft, curses, Bad luck, spiritual setbacks, crossed or tied spiritual development, sending of dark spirits, curse, evil eye and love spells that are stagnating your life among many other things. If you are experiencing any of these spiritual attacks it is always advisable to contact a specialized spiritual healer like myself to find the help you need.
Or maybe you just want to do a cleanse to open your paths and get rid of the bad energies that you have picked up along the way.
I have 30 years of experience consulting through the Spanish Tarot cards and many other tools which I use to connect to the Spiritual world.
also working with my Spiritual Guides and the Loases of the 21 Division; I work with my Spiritual Guides and those of the person to provide them with the best possible service and at the same time help them to help themselves.
Through my gift of clairvoyance I can see what is affecting you in your physical and spiritual life and with the help of Herbal baths and personalized Spiritual cleanse I can help open the paths for you, no matter how difficult they may be. For God and my guides there is nothing impossible. clearly unless it is the will of God.
I hope very soon to be able to serve you and help you put your spiritual life in order.
Visit here to book your Reading
Visite nuestra pagina en español www.medium-espiritual.com
Con Dios Todo Sin Dios Nada!
Gracia la Misericordia